For people searching for safe, effective weed & vegetation control, Contact Organics Weed Terminator20 is a superior environmentally-friendly weed killer that is safe and effective, whether it is used in public areas, schools, parks, sports grounds or your backyard, hobby farm and more. Contact Organics Weed Terminator20 is the weed and vegetation control product the US has been searching for.
Blog, News & Updates
Contact Organics USA Team will be attending the 2023 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference & Expo!
Contact Organics USA at the 2CHD 2nd Annual Conference in Savannah GA November 3-5
Common Ground trailer
Members of Contact Organics Advisory Board are part of the Common Ground film. Watch the interview with Ian Somerhalder, an executive producer of the film Common Ground.
Contact Organics USA is at the Southern Family Farmers & Food Systems Conference 2023 (SFFFS Con 2023)
Emergence Counts: Kochia and Lambsquarter had zero germination! Superior Weed Control!
How Do Our Weed Killers Work?
Thanks to 30 years of research and development, success has been achieved by combining science and the use of organic chemistry. Contact Organics' fast-acting and environmentally-friendly weed and vegetation control started in Australia and is now available in the US market.
Contact Organics' revolutionary herbicides work by stripping away the plant’s waxy outer layer, allowing desiccation of the plant by dehydration. Our products are also formulated to be beneficial to soil microbiology, so you can simultaneously kill weeds, improve soil health and alleviate residue concerns.
Thorough coverage of unwanted plants is required to achieve maximum results.

The Contact Organics Foundations
Our core philosophy is to work with nature to revitalize the soil with a safe and effective weed control alternative.